choose your own day

Monday brought clouds and rain, but also brought a hands-off approach to the kids choosing what they wanted to do with their school days. We sat down in bands and made plans for what each of the kids wanted to do for the day, and off they went to do and make and create. I hope you aren't stunned when I say that the noise level was low and everyone was focused and engaged in their activities of choice.Many kids continued to build the frame for Kid City.choose your own daychoose your own daychoose your own dayOthers made advertising posters for the play that they're working on.choose your own dayOr discussed the next moves.choose your own dayMore construction.choose your own daychoose your own dayGever brought in two huge boxes of fabric scraps when he picked up the Juki (the super-powered industrial sewing machine that can sew through multiple layers of heavy canvas or take your finger off, whichever is more appropriate). The fabric came in handy today - the kids made costumes or draped themselves in material.choose your own daychoose your own daychoose your own daychoose your own dayWorking on Choose-Your-Own-Adventure and game coding.choose your own dayMaking and creating.choose your own daychoose your own daychoose your own daychoose your own day