read, build, design

The kids planned their own days again today! The bands wrote out their activities for their Tuesdays on white boards so everyone would know what the plan was. They were busy and focused as they worked on their projects, took breaks at the park, and read all day.

Clementine, Zada, and Kaia decided to try their hand at busking and became trobairitzes – the feminine version of a troubadour – performing poetry and songs for passersby.

read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design
read, build, design

The kids planned their own days again today! The bands wrote out their activities for their Tuesdays on white boards so everyone would know what the plan was. They were busy and focused as they worked on their projects, took breaks at the park, and read all day.Clementine, Zada, and Kaia decided to try their hand at busking and became trobairitzes - the feminine version of a troubadour - performing poetry and songs for passersby.Construction moved forward.Designing utili-aprons with fabric and staples.Our beautiful library! Thank you for the generous donations from our families, as well as a friend to the school who gave us a whole set of YA books.A half an hour of quiet reading after lunch, a practice we're beginning to structure into our days.The Brightworks Book Club - Coke's idea started today. We read the first two chapters of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.The preciseness of the chop saw.Trapped!Furniture for Kid City houses.Writing at the end of the day.